Above all, Forges de Niaux is a team of men and women committed to serving farmers. We develop and manufacture disc blades for soil preparation.
- Vision: contribute to the development of modern, efficient and sustainable agriculture.
- Mission: develop efficient and innovative agricultural wear parts.
- Values: trust and goodwill, Modernity, Sustainable development.
Niaux 200, the anti-planned obsolescence
We seek to extend the lifetime of our products. This contributes to our competitive advantage and favors a more reasonable use of resources.
Reduction of energy consumption
Thanks to the modernization of our production process we have drastically reduced our energy consumption.
Human Resource Development
People are the center of our organization. We aim to value each individuals’ work and contribute to their professional and personal development.
Local commitment
As a century-old company in our economic area, we favor collaboration with local suppliers.
We support local civic and sport life
Business ethics We encourage long term business relationships based on mutual trust. All raw materials are bought from French or European steelmakers.


The first traces of activity on our industrial site date back to the 19th century. With abundant wood, water and iron, the Vicdessos valley was an ideal location for forging activities. The production process used at this time was the so-called “forge à la catalane”.

First disk blades
The end of the second World War and the Marshall Plan brought the American farming techniques to Europe. As disk ploughs were being introduced in Europe, Forges de Niaux started to specialize in disk blade* manufacturing.

First exportations
The international dimension became definitively part of the company’s DNA. The first exportations took place in the 50’s with our first sales in Italy.

Niaux 140 quality
The Niaux 140 was the very first trademark registered by Forges de Niaux. It was linked to a level of hardness: 140 kg/mm². Since then we have always linked our brands to a level of quality.

Niaux 160 quality
The use of boron steel * allowed us to bring hardness level to 160 kg/mm². The Niaux 160 *boosted the international development of the enterprise.

Niaux 200 quality
2009 was a landmark year not only for Forges de Niaux but also for the disk blade market. The patented Niaux technology fixed a new quality standard with an evolutive hardness of up to 200kg/mm². The Niaux 200 disk blades became the disk blades with the best lifespan on the market.

Technological transformation
The recent years have been dedicated to the technological transformation of the company: Robotization of processes, creation of a modern and integrated information system and redesign of our digital presence.

The international dimension is part of our DNA. Discover our dealers around the world.